Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thoughts so far about this hood....

Sirens throughout the night, news of shootings a couple days ago and a week ago, and other things remind me of that constant reality that this isn't Cedarville or Akron (although Akron has started picking up in certain areas).  Like they told us from the beginning, we're going to be not only serving in the hood, but living in it as well.

Depending on what you watch, who you know, or what your previous perceptions or views about the hood are will greatly shape how you feel about things wherever you are.  Not to point any fingers or say anything negative about anyone, but growing up in schools where there is a sometimes a stigma about things that might surround the hood, it was easy to come here hesitant about what may happen.  I was both curious and nervous at first about what it'd be like walking these streets at night, who I might meet, what could happen, etc, etc, etc.  Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous! I know that there will be fears and caution about things in life, especially when going to a place like the slums overseas, or the hood in the states.  For someone who has the ability to stay out of it and sees no need to go there, yea, I can kinda see why many may steer clear of it.  I absolutely love it here, and I love the model that PBC is showing in respect to that.  There are times when people think about helping others in the inner city, but they do things from their comfortable places and maybe dont get down and dirty in the mess that there is here.  This church, and what seems like almost a majority of its 250 members, live to live among those they serve.  As Juan often puts it, "They are doing life with them." While there is problems of course here, the type of tight knit community that I've seen here is awesome.  And to top it off, Providence is being made known among the area, which means that Christ is reaching some places that may or may not have otherwise heard of Jesus.

I figured that I should def write something leaned more towards the title of this blog, so that's one reason why I'm writing this.  Another reason is because I'm realizing that even though there are dangers and things wont be easy when you're moving somewhere like the hood, if you're being called there, its for a purpose and while troubles may come, I believe that you will be provided for until your work for God is completed (if it ever is).  So with that realization, I know that I'll have fears every now and then, but regardless, that shouldn't freeze me into inaction.  Knowing that I'm doing work for God and continually being reminded of his heart for these (and all people), is what gives the energy and confidence to know that this is all worth the stress and struggle that it may provide because of the triumph that will be well earned.  These people here are incredible and I don't know what I'd do if I hadn't met some of them already.  Until next time :)

*A question posed by a guy with Camp Hero , that i think is interesting to think about when serving others is, "Is Love Enough?"

****P.S. - Please pray for the Denver area, especially over here in Clayton and other neighborhoods around.  A week ago, a kid got shot in near the school where Camp Hero is at, and then last Friday, two 21 year olds (or somewhere in that range) got shot down the mile from our house.  It is apparently being predicted that this is gonna be a hot summer. Both temperature-wise and in terms of things and violence happening.  We're gonna be right in the middle of it all, which is crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

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