Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Reflections from the past week and a half...

So real quick, for those who don't already know, I've been blessed to be able to accept an internship out here in the city of Denver, Colorado.  It is with Providence Bible Church. Been here for a week and a half already and I'll be out here until the end of July.

In the past week and a half, I've been broken down, shocked, challenged, and amazed here in the Mile High City.  I knew coming into this that this internship with Providence Bible Church was going to be challenging and awesome, but my expectations are continually being shattered.

Last week was pretty exhausting, for multiple reasons.  Some highlights came from our training that we'd have from the morning into the afternoon.  As usual, when bringing in a new group of people to an organization, we were given the first day for an icebreaker, overview of Providence, Logistics and things like that.  Then came information concerning the Clayton area (where we are living), Denver as a whole, and meetings with some people that work here.  The meetings that were with Z and with David were very key in opening us all up into being transparent with not only each other but ourselves, the community of those around us, and most importantly, with God.   I found out a lot about myself during that one day.  As much as I would have preferred not to, I came face-to-face with some fears, some obstacles, and things like that. It's incredible what you can find out about yourself when a man like David asks the right questions, and it's also incredible to see how certain things weigh on you and keep you from truly being you and moving forward in what God has in store.

All us interns minus Grant
So to sum up most of last week, it was information overload, somewhat, and emotionally stretching and exhausting.  Saturday, we went to the 16th Street Mall, which was pretty cool, but one of the many highlights for me came from Monday when we went to the Red Rocks.  Leading up to Memorial Day, we'd struggled to figure out what we all were going to do on our day off.  After talking to multiple people, we decided to go 30 min out of the city to the Red Rocks Amphitheater.  Best choice we could have made.  While this became a relaxing day where we could enjoy this wonderful bit of Colorado (that we've been able to see so far), it also became somewhat of a bonding moment and led to some awe moments where we just sat on top of these huge rocks and, I have no idea what the others were necessarily thinking about, but so much of the stuff that normally goes through my mind just quieted down and I was able to enjoy this time and regroup/reorganize myself and while I wasn't necessarily thinking about the upcoming week in particular, this time of relaxing in a wonderful bit of nature, was energizing.

Without a doubt, I know that this is where I know God wants me to be at this time.  I've met so many incredible people, and while not everything is perfect and there are problems here, I've seen so many incredible things as well.  If a week and a half has already had this much, with the other 5 interns who continue to become very close friends, I cant wait to see what the rest of this summer holds.


  1. Stephen, I am SOOO proud of you. I have tears in my eyes because I see God so strong on and in your life. Just stay open and EXPECT NOTHING but the best from God because He has SO MUCH FOR YOU. I am praying for you all daily, that you all will have an awesome encounter with God like no other time in your life. There is so much that is just waiting on you so reach out and grab it because God says that it is yours. Trust and Believe like no other time. Yes, you are right where God wants you to be. No fear, just faith and courage to walk where God is calling you. Remember IN HIS IMAGE is where is He is calling you. Trust God, live life to the FULLEST and live life like there is no tomorrow but most of all, ~Keep learning to fall more and more in love with Jesus!
    Love you, Mom

    P.S. First Blog down~ So proud:)

  2. Hey Steven, we don't know each other well, but I'm your mom's big cousin and she and I know each other quite well. Welcome to the world of blogging. I, and my daughter, are also bloggers. My blog is titled "Living a Joyful Life" and is on Deanna's blog is Ramblings of a Real Housewife, also on

    I'm also a prayer journaler. Writing down our thoughts and prayers is eye opening and life impacting. Thanks for sharing what God is doing in your life. It will inspire, encourage and bless others. I hope you become a lifetime blogger/journaler! Your cousin, Deborah Cunningham.

  3. PS I apologize for misspelling your name. I'm friends with Steven Stapleton (through YEPAW) and saw his comment before reading your blog.

  4. Stephen!
    Wow! I am keeping you in my prayers. I am so happy that you are already learning so much about yourself and about the God we serve! I pray that you continue to grow in Christ and learn so much! God put you in Denver for a special reason so take full advantage of it. Keep us updated!

  5. Hey Stephen,

    Welcome to the blogosphere.

    Those photos are amazing -- what a wonderful vista and time of self-reflection and renewal in God.

    It's a great place to be when we're in his will alone!

    Keep up the great progress. We are all proud of you.

  6. Thanks for creating this. May God work in you and through you... You are in my prayers!!
